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Myopia Management

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a common long-distance vision problem that affects millions of children and adults worldwide. While myopia is not a dangerous condition in the short term, it can be costly to manage and increase the risk of developing eye diseases later in life. Our practice offers MiSight, a myopia control program designed to slow down the progression of myopia in children. Call our office today for a myopia control consultation!

What Is Myopia?

Myopia is a refractive condition that causes poor long-distance vision. The eyeballs of myopic children are too long, causing distant objects to appear blurry. Myopia tends to get worse as your child gets older.

Myopia affects daily activities and school performance. You may notice new behavior patterns in your child if they are myopic. Myopic children may begin to struggle in school, squint or tilt their heads often, move close to the TV, sit in front of the classroom, or read a book close to their faces. Myopia can also cause painful symptoms, such as frequent headaches, eye strain, and fatigue.

The Progression of Myopia over Time

The number of children with myopia has been increasing over the last few decades. 1 in 4 parents now has a child with myopia. By 2050, 50% of the world’s population will be myopic, according to estimations.

There are several possible reasons for the increase in myopia:

  • More time indoors – Spending more time performing “close work” (outside of schoolwork) can increase the risk of myopia.
  • Less time outdoors – Less time spent in natural light could contribute to myopia.
  • Genetics – Children of two parents with myopia had a higher risk of developing myopia than those with one myopic parent.
  • Vision Disorders – Certain binocular vision and focusing disorders may increase the risk of myopia.
  • Early Onset – Myopia progresses faster at an early age. For example, a child with myopia at 7 or 8 years may reach higher myopic levels than a child with myopia at 12 years.

Myopia Risk Factors

Myopia typically develops in childhood and worsens over time. As the condition progresses, your child may complain of headaches or eyestrain. Myopia can also cause difficulties with schoolwork or other activities that require distance vision.

In severe cases, myopia can lead to eye health problems, such as cataracts, maculopathy, glaucoma, or retinal detachment, all of which can lead to vision loss. Vision loss secondary to cataracts and retinal detachment may be reversible. Vision loss due to maculopathy and glaucoma is unrecoverable.

MiSight Myopia Control Program

Traditional eyeglasses and contact lenses help provide clear vision to those who are myopic but have no effect on myopia’s rate of progression. Slowing the progression of myopia requires specialized intervention.

Our practice employs the MiSight myopia control program. MiSight is a specialized soft contact lens worn during the day, then disposed of at night. MiSight corrects myopia and reduces its progression in children between 8–12 years old (at the initiation of treatment). MiSight is FDA-approved, clinically proven to be effective, and safe for children.

The MiSight myopia control program is in addition to a regularly scheduled eye exam – you will meet with our optometrist to learn about MiSight and track its progress. Call our practice today for more information and to see if your child is a good candidate for MiSight.

Contact Us Today For a Myopia Control Consultation

If your child is having trouble seeing the whiteboard at school or objects in the distance, contact us today to schedule an appointment. Treating myopia as quickly as possible can help you save on prescription eyewear costs and reduce your child’s chances of developing an eye condition. We will work with you and your child to create a treatment plan to address their myopia. Contact us today to learn more about our myopia management program!


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